Dr Paul McCarthy

Dr Paul McCarthy

Paul graduated with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Sydney. Following graduation, Paul completed a multidisciplinary internship at Northside Veterinary Specialists and an ophthalmology internship with the Eye Clinic for Animals.

Paul has an interest in research and has published in four veterinary journals and presented at two Australian veterinary conferences. His current research focuses are in the areas of canine vision loss, vitreoretinal surgery and the ophthalmic anatomy of Australian Marsupials.

Since joining the Eye Clinic for Animals, Paul has also assisted with teaching at University of Sydney for ophthalmology practicals and tutorials.

Paul is currently a resident at the Eye Clinic for Animals and is training to be a veterinary eye specialist.


– Anxiety and depression in dogs with vision loss. Centre for Veterinary Education “What’s behaviour got to do with it? 2021

– What is that eye trying to tell me? Australian Veterinary Association VetFest Conference. 2020


– Use of a chronic soft tissue expansion device to facilitate blepharoplasty in a horse with lower lid cicatricial ectropion with a 14 year follow-up. Veterinary Ophthalmology. 2020

– Surgical approach to a nasolacrimal duct atresia in a German Shepherd Puppy. Australian Veterinary Practitioner. 2020

– Progressive visual loss and severe retinal degeneration in a captive Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos mittendorfi). Veterinary Record Case Reports. 2020

– Accidental arterial catheterisation during a maxillary nerve block using a modified infraorbital approach in a dog. Veterinary Record Case Reports. 2020